Sleep Medicine
Sleep medicine specialists at Insight Chicago provide advanced diagnostic testing and comprehensive treatment options for people experiencing a wide range of sleep disorders.
Like eating, exercising, and breathing, sleep is an important aspect of our physical and mental wellbeing. Most adults require at least seven hours of quality sleep on a regular schedule each night to be rested, healthy, and focused. Yet 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep problems or disorders that affect everything from work performance to personal relationships.

At Insight Chicago, we understand how difficult and disruptive sleep disorders can be for our patients. Our dedicated sleep medicine department is staffed with highly-skilled sleep physicians and specialists trained in the latest techniques to properly diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions. Whether you’re experiencing sleep apnea, insomnia, or fatigue, our board-certified sleep doctors are committed to helping you sleep better.

Sleep medicine physicians are specially trained in sleep disorders and other sleep-related conditions. When left untreated, sleep disorders can lead to significant long-term consequences, including heart disease, stroke, obesity, and diabetes. Insight Sleep Medicine specializes in a wide range of conditions, including:

  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • Insomnia
  • Narcolepsy
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Sleepwalking
  • Central Sleep Apnea
  • Circadian Rhythm Disorders
  • REM Behavior Disorders
  • Parasomnias
  • Teeth Grinding 

What to expect at Insight Sleep Medicine

If you’re having difficulty with sleep or alertness, you should consider seeing a sleep specialist. Our specially-trained team of sleep medicine physicians offer a wide range of treatments and techniques to control or eliminate most sleep problems. 

Patients are generally referred to Insight Sleep Medicine by a primary care physician. Upon referral, one of our sleep specialists will meet with you to discuss your symptoms and schedule a sleep study that will measure how you sleep and how your body reacts while you are sleeping. We will then work with you to develop a treatment plan that is effective and meets your needs.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 immediately. 

If you would like to schedule an appointment with a sleep specialist at Insight Hospital & Medical Center Chicago, please call one of the numbers below. Some services may require a physician referral. 

Sleep Medicine Specialties

Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders

A circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder occurs when the body experiences an alteration to its internal time keeping system. Symptoms include insomnia, daytime sleepiness, and difficulty waking up.

Excessive Sleepiness (Idiopathic Hypersomnia)

Idiopathic hypersomnia is a sleep disorder that causes the body to be excessively sleepy during the day, even after a long period of sleep. Symptoms include feeling unrested, brain fog, and difficulty doing normal activities.


Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects the ability to fall or stay asleep. It can also cause difficulty getting back to sleep. Symptoms include waking during the night, feeling unrested, and irritability.


Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that causes chronic daytime drowsiness and sudden attacks of sleep, disrupting work and daily activities. Symptoms include sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and falling asleep without warning.


Parasomnia is a sleep disorder that causes abnormal behavior while sleeping. It can occur prior to falling asleep, while asleep, or when waking up. Symptoms include confusion or disorientation, sleepwalking, and fatigue during the day.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome is a condition that causes an uncontrollable urge to move the legs, often at night while sitting or lying down. It is more common in older adults. Symptoms include uncomfortable sensations while resting, aching, and twitching

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that causes breathing to start and stop while sleeping, preventing the body from experiencing a full night’s rest. Symptoms include loud snoring, gasping for air while sleeping, and daytime sleepiness.

Sleep Studies

Sleep studies are a series of painless tests performed by licensed sleep specialists to record and measure how the body sleeps. These studies are usually performed in a sleep lab or at home and allow physicians to properly diagnose sleep disorders.

Periodic Leg Movement Disorder

Periodic leg movement disorder is a condition that causes repetitive cramping or jerking of the legs during sleep. It is most common in middle age and older adults. Symptoms include twitching or flexing, restlessness while sleeping, and daytime drowsiness.

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

Bruxism is a condition that causes teeth grinding and clenching, often during sleep. This condition can affect adults or children. Most people are unaware they grind their teeth while sleeping. Symptoms include jaw pain, headaches, and disturbed sleep.

Schedule Your Appointment at Insight Chicago Today

Insight Sleep Medicine is dedicated to your health and wellness. If you or a loved one are not getting the quality or quantity of sleep you need to feel rested and energized during the day, we can help. Our team of sleep medicine physicians and specialists are trained to evaluate and diagnose a wide range of sleep disorders and conditions. Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

Book Your Same Day Appointment Today!

or call (312) 567-2273


Dr. Ahmad Elakil

Dr. Ahmad Elakil

Chief of Neurosurgery

Dr. Ahmad Elakil, M.D., MBA, FRCSC is the chief of neurosurgery at Insight Hospital and medical center. He is a board certified neurosurgeon.He completed his neurosurgical residency at the University of Calgary in Canada, followed by a neurosurgical-oncology postgraduate training at the University of Miami. During his residency, Dr. Elakil completed his Masters of Business Administration at Cornell University. He was awarded the Social Butterfly Award that year.

Dr. Elakil uses minimally invasive neurosurgery, a state-of-the-art procedure, to provide his patients with the best outcome and shorter recovery time. He specializes in treating tumors, neck pain, lower back pain, and spine surgery.

Dr. Elakil was cited in many prestigious national and international neurosurgical journals. He was awarded more than twenty awards in national and international neurosurgical meetings. Dr. Elakil is committed to using his expertise in neurosurgery to provide concise, compassionate, and effective care to his patients.

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Customer Testimonials

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I want to especially thank to Dr. Elakil for his special attantion my friend was waiting for me outside and Dr. Elakil was informed him on the phone every step they have done while I was in my surgery. Thank you so much![/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Rose Spencer” button_url_new_window=”1″ use_rating=”on” rating_alignment=”center” rating_icon_size=”24px” image_padding=”25px||||false|false” content_padding=”|9px||9px|true|false” custom_margin=”20px|20px|20px|20px|true|true” custom_padding=”145px|20px|145px|20px|true|true” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”|600|||||||” header_text_align=”center” header_text_color=”#FFFFFF” body_font=”|600|||||||” body_text_align=”center” body_text_color=”#FFFFFF” background_color=”#072a48″ background_enable_color=”on” background_color_gradient_direction=”183deg” background_image=”” background_enable_image=”on” background_size=”initial” background_position=”bottom_right” background_blend=”overlay” box_shadow_style=”preset1″]I had a wonderful experience with Naheel Mohammed he goes beyond the call to do his job I appreciate it I was having a bad day he made it so much better thank you so much[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Eyüp ÇINAR” button_url_new_window=”1″ use_rating=”on” rating_alignment=”center” rating_icon_size=”24px” image_padding=”25px||||false|false” content_padding=”|9px||9px|true|false” custom_margin=”20px|20px|20px|20px|true|true” custom_padding=”122px|20px|122px|20px|true|true” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”|600|||||||” header_text_align=”center” header_text_color=”#FFFFFF” body_font=”|600|||||||” body_text_align=”center” body_text_color=”#FFFFFF” background_color=”#072a48″ background_enable_color=”on” background_color_gradient_direction=”183deg” background_image=”” background_enable_image=”on” background_size=”initial” background_position=”bottom_right” background_blend=”overlay” box_shadow_style=”preset1″]I came in for a routine visit and the hospital staff who welcomed me in the outpatient was very nice. I am definitely going to be utilizing this hospital moving forward! I am excited for how much they are serving this community. Thank you!!!!!![/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Sikri Yavuz” button_url_new_window=”1″ use_rating=”on” rating_alignment=”center” rating_icon_size=”24px” image_padding=”25px||||false|false” content_padding=”|9px||9px|true|false” custom_margin=”20px|20px|20px|20px|true|true” custom_padding=”146px|20px|146px|20px|true|true” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”|600|||||||” header_text_align=”center” header_text_color=”#FFFFFF” body_font=”|600|||||||” body_text_align=”center” body_text_color=”#FFFFFF” background_color=”#072a48″ background_enable_color=”on” background_color_gradient_direction=”183deg” background_image=”” background_enable_image=”on” background_size=”initial” background_position=”bottom_right” background_blend=”overlay” box_shadow_style=”preset1″]I am happy about my experience with my mom who had a surgery here with Dr Elakil. He was all the time with us and the hospital were very helpful and kind.[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Gilda L” button_url_new_window=”1″ use_rating=”on” rating_alignment=”center” rating_icon_size=”24px” image_padding=”25px||||false|false” content_padding=”|9px||9px|true|false” custom_margin=”20px|20px|20px|20px|true|true” custom_padding=”146px|20px|146px|20px|true|true” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”|600|||||||” header_text_align=”center” header_text_color=”#FFFFFF” body_font=”|600|||||||” body_text_align=”center” body_text_color=”#FFFFFF” background_color=”#072a48″ background_enable_color=”on” background_color_gradient_direction=”183deg” background_image=”” background_enable_image=”on” background_size=”initial” background_position=”bottom_right” background_blend=”overlay” box_shadow_style=”preset1″]I had spine surgery under Dr.Elakil at this hospital. I want to thank him and his staff for all they did for me. He is very intelligent, highly skilled, caring and positive demeanor.[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Victoria Cote” button_url_new_window=”1″ use_rating=”on” rating_alignment=”center” rating_icon_size=”24px” image_padding=”25px||||false|false” content_padding=”|9px||9px|true|false” custom_margin=”20px|20px|20px|20px|true|true” custom_padding=”134px|20px|134px|20px|true|true” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”|600|||||||” header_text_align=”center” header_text_color=”#FFFFFF” body_font=”|600|||||||” body_text_align=”center” body_text_color=”#FFFFFF” background_color=”#072a48″ background_enable_color=”on” background_color_gradient_direction=”183deg” background_image=”” background_enable_image=”on” background_size=”initial” background_position=”bottom_right” background_blend=”overlay” box_shadow_style=”preset1″]I saw Dr. Bannis for a consult and had a wonderful experience. He took the time to discuss alternative options for my treatment and his bedside manner made me feel very welcome. I highly recommend this office.[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Nikki Patel” button_url_new_window=”1″ use_rating=”on” rating_alignment=”center” rating_icon_size=”24px” image_padding=”||||false|false” content_padding=”|9px||9px|true|false” custom_margin=”30px|20px|30px|20px|true|true” custom_padding=”122px|20px|122px|20px|true|true” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”|600|||||||” header_text_align=”center” header_text_color=”#FFFFFF” body_font=”|600|||||||” body_text_align=”center” body_text_color=”#FFFFFF” background_color=”#072a48″ background_enable_color=”on” background_color_gradient_direction=”183deg” background_image=”” background_enable_image=”on” background_size=”initial” background_position=”bottom_right” background_blend=”overlay” box_shadow_style=”preset1″]Excited to see new life back in the Mercy Hospital. Insight Team has grown so quickly. The staff is super kind and empathetic on each visit. Emergency Room and Surgery Teams are great communicators. Quick visits to the Emergency Room little or No wait time.[/dica_divi_carouselitem][dica_divi_carouselitem title=”Porcelana di” button_url_new_window=”1″ use_rating=”on” rating_alignment=”center” rating_icon_size=”24px” image_padding=”25px||||false|false” content_padding=”|9px||9px|true|false” custom_margin=”18px|20px|18px|20px|true|true” custom_padding=”122px|20px|122px|20px|true|true” _builder_version=”4.9.4″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”|600|||||||” header_text_align=”center” header_text_color=”#FFFFFF” body_font=”|600|||||||” body_text_align=”center” body_text_color=”#FFFFFF” background_color=”#072a48″ background_enable_color=”on” background_color_gradient_direction=”183deg” background_image=”” background_enable_image=”on” background_size=”initial” background_position=”bottom_right” background_blend=”overlay” box_shadow_style=”preset1″]I had such a great experience with my friend from this hospital. Dr. Elakil was such a superb physician, he was able to provide a 10 star experience. The staff also was so welcoming to us. We spoke to Kaleeb, and he ensured that there were no barriers in our care![/dica_divi_carouselitem][/dica_divi_carousel]

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2525 s Michigan Ave.
Chicago IL 60616


(312) 567-2000 – Main Operator
(312) 567-2273 – Direct Central Scheduling
(312) 638-8320 – Fax Number