Insight Chicago Hospital – Book Appointments Online Complete the form below to request an appointment at Insight Chicago Hospital and Medical Center. Please note that your request will be processed within 1-2 business days. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911. Is the patient a new patient or an established patient? New patient Established patient First Name Last Name Gender Male Female Other Not Specified MARITAL STATUS Married Single Divorced Widowed Domestic Partnership Legally Separated Other DATE OF BIRTH ADDRESS LINE 1 ADDRESS LINE 2 CITY STATE OR PROVINCE ZIP OR POSTAL CODE PRIMARY PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS RETYPE EMAIL ADDRESS Has the patient been seen at Insight Chicago Hospital before? Yes No Department or Specialty Acupuncture Allergy (inpatient only) Alternative Medicine (inpatient only) Behavioral Health Cardiology Chiro (inpatient only) Diagnostic Imaging and Radiology Emergency Medicine GI (only testing available at facility) Infectious Disease (inpatient only) Laboratory and Pathology Massage Therapy Neurosurgery Dietary Counseling Diabetes Education Pain Management Pharmacy Primary Care Sleep Lab Stroke Treatment Reason For Appointment Does the patient have health insurance? Yes No If yes, name of insurance Type of insurance HMO PPO POS EPO Medicare Other Person Responsible for Patient Account Self Spouse Father Mother Other Send